Our customers get tailor-made solution which address their real needs. We provide technical advice during implementation process as well as constant contact in whole operation period. Domena Industry is an official representative of the following companies: Ahlbrandt, Burckhardt, Matho, KIST + ESCHERICH GmbH, OCS, D.W. Renzmann.
Ahlbrandtwith over 50 years of engineering expertise, is the pioneer of Corona pretreatment innovations in the surface treatment industry. Based in the heart of Germany and with a worldwide presence, Ahlbrandt designs and manufactures the world’s most efficient Corona treatment technology, Rotor Spray systems, and Hot Air Drying solutions. |
Burckhardtproducts have to meet high standards. Customer satisfaction is company uppermost goal and proof of the quality. Burckhardt seeks to strengthen their leading position by providing solutions in the area of Perforating, Fibrillating and Precision Parts specialties. |
Mathois a leading manufacturer of granulators and waste extraction systems in the packaging, converting, and labels industry. Headquartered in Ellwangen, Germany, and with more than 25 years of experience the company focuses on the entire waste handling process. This focus includes the project planning, manufacturing, installation and commissioning. |
KIST + ESCHERICH GmbHsince more than 30 years is spending research and development on the subject of avoidance and removal of surface contamination and neutralization of electrostatic charges. |
D.W. Renzmannwas founded in 1969. A medium-sized company with approximately 100 employees it develops designs and manufactures press part cleaning and solvent recovery systems for the graphic arts and the paint producing industry. Renzmann is a market leader, and one of the world’s leading suppliers. |